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Russell Equine Veterinary Service

Emergency Equine Care

At Russell Equine Veterinary Service, emergency care is offered to our existing clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If your horse is experiencing an emergency, please call us right away at (613) 445-3521.

Entrance Sign for Russell Equine Veterinary Service

Russell Equine Veterinary Service

383 Route 100, Russell, ON, K4R 1E5

(613) 445-3521

Emergency care available for existing clients 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Regular Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 4:00pm

What to Expect

Since horses are vastly different animals than dogs and cats, they require much different health care. Their biology is different, their needs are different, and it’s important for an emergency vet to be able to manage those differences successfully. The Russell Equine team specializes in providing exceptional care to horses in the Ottawa, ON valley, 24/7.

Depending on your horse's specific problems and medical needs, recommended treatments may include medication, non-invasive therapies, or surgical procedures. We also check vital signs and other conditions that may help to diagnose what’s going on.

If you have any questions about your horse's condition or what to expect during an emergency care visit, please call us at 613.445.3521.